Saturday, January 11, 2014

22 Dec. 2013 - Observations

Waning Gibbous Moon near Orion. Three of the brightest stars of the night, Vega, Deneb, and Altair (the Summer Triangle) were visible near the western horizon. More along the horizon to my left was Piscis Austrinus and what I thought was the zodiac constellation Capricornus. I could not make out any more constellations along the horizon until Orion and Gemini. At zenith was Perseus and Cassiopeia. Zodiac constellations that I used to figure out where the ecliptic was, along with Gemini and Capricornus, were Taurus and Aquaris. Polaris and Thuban were visible to the north. Light pollution was at a minimum because the street lights did not turn on for some reason.

Hours spent observing: 2

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