Saturday, January 11, 2014

14 Dec. 2013 - Observations

There was a very bright, non-twinkling star that ascended the night sky with the waxing gibbous Moon. I tracked this motion throughout the time observing, and the two celestial bodies never stayed more than three "fists" away from each other. I later found out that the star that was holding hands with out moon was not actually a star but the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. Straight above I could see the King (Cepheus) and the Queen (Cassiopeia) domineering the night sky. Just south was the Great Square of Pegasus, but I could not make out the legs/head of Pegasus nor Andromeda. Marching along the horizon were the strongest of the constellations, Orion, Taurus, and Gemini. To the north I could see Polaris in Ursa Minor with the body of Draco wrapped around it. As time went on I was able to see what I think was Canis Minor. The bands of the Milky Way Galaxy were always apparent, running from east to west across the sky. The brightest stars that I know the names of the night that I know by memory were Rigel, Betelgeuse, Polaris, Algol, and  Fomalhaut.

Hours spent observing: 2.5

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